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Colombia v0.1

Chaitanya Prakash Bapat


My 2019 Spring Break destination. Part 1.

Back Story

What started as a random thought experiment ended up being one of the boldest exploits of my lifetime so far. A week in Colombia would certainly top my all-time daredevil list — is what I thought back in February 2019.

Must have been a random Sunday morning. Whilst planning a Spring Break trip with my undergrad friends, a solo trip was not even on my radar. But, as fate had it, group trip plans couldn’t materialize and I was left exploring other options. Suddenly, I realized, Spring 2019 was probably one of my last few vacations as a student. I had to make the most of this golden opportunity presented to me. To take the audacity level one notch higher, I decided to make this my first ever solo trip, that too, abroad. And if all this wasn’t enough, I made it all the more exciting by choosing a country no one would choose for their first solo outing. Bragging rights aside, I had my reasons for going to Colombia.

Dancing with Colombian friends at an after-party of Mumbai MUN was probably my first brush with the word Colombia. @Netflix thriller, Narcos, would probably be the biggest motivating factor, you’d wrongly assume. Yes, I watched Narcos and kinda loved it. But, no, it wasn’t just to see how Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria ruined a country. There’s more to Colombia than Pablo. And I…



Chaitanya Prakash Bapat
Chaitanya Prakash Bapat

Written by Chaitanya Prakash Bapat

Music, Sports and Data. Engineer @ Facebook | Apache committer @ Apache MXNet | Ex- Amazon | GaTech

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